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Automatisierungsskripte für MS Teams in Schulen

  Während der Corona Zeit wurde in der Schule meiner Kinder vermehrt MS Teams für den Unterricht genutzt. Mittlerweile ist es aus dem Schulalltag nicht mehr wegzudenken.  Leider ist es aber immer noch der Fall das die Verwaltung bei einem engagierten Fachlehrer liegt. Die Einrichtung der  Einzelteams sogar bei den Fachlehreren. Dies erzeugt bei jedem Schuljahreswechsel eine Menge manueller, unnützer Arbeit bei den Lehrern. Ich habe schon länger die Idee gehabt, diese Prozesse mal zu automatisieren.  Nachdem ich nun für unseren Förderverein eine Teams Admin Account habe, konnte ich das endlich angehen. Das Ergebnis habe ich unter veröffentlicht. Ich hoffe das die Skripte den Kollegen helfen, die Accounts anzulegen, Teams zu erstellen und Mitglieder zuzuordnen. Das alles kann auf Basis von CSV Listen erfolgen, die einfach aus den vermutlich vorhanden Excellisten erzeugt werden können. Gerne an weitere Schulen teilen. ...
Recent posts

Wasmer based WebAssembly loader in JEE

Currently I'm experimenting a little bit with WASM and java. I found a java runtime from wasmer at This acts as a JNI wrapper around the wasmer runtime. So this has to be installed on the execution node. Combining it with quarkus, I created a solution, thats load some calculation functions provided in a WASM file on the classpath:  

Easy to configure ?

  A few years ago, in the early days of Kubernetes all was fine. I came with over 15 years of developer experience in Java EE  and also knowledge in infrastructure topics as well as hardware, and I started my cloud journey with Goggle Cloud and RedHat Openhshift. Although I already did development in CloudFoundry, learning Docker, Containers and the all the Kubernetes Resources was tough. I'm always learning trying to understand the "Why" behind the "How". Finally I thought I know all the about the Kubernetes Resources and their meaning. Ok, maybe Kubernetes API will grow, but that would be manageable. ... Then Kubernetes Operators came into live, and I really liked the idea of using operation teams knowledge as a recipe for automatic reconcellation loops. Over the time the amount of those operators in their catalog repositories, grow and grow. Some were community based, some were maintained by company. They serve diffent purposes from the CNCF landscape: databa...

Ansible Playbook for Fermyon Stack

  Since I would like to automate as lot as possible instead of following guidelines and repeat myself. Therefore I created a Ansible Role and simple playbook to install the Fermyon Stack (local) on my VM with Debian 11.06. Feel free to use it from my github repo . Thank you to fermyon for providing the installer script.

My WebAssembly journey and why I think it is so important

            WebAssembly or WASM is a "is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine. Wasm is designed as a portable compilation target for programming languages, enabling deployment on the web for client and server applications." ( ).  It was designed for replacing Flash and ActionScript in the Browsers, but since the invention of the Web Assembly System Interface ( WASI ) several runtime implementations, like wasmtime, appeared and make it runnable at the server as well.  The BytcodeAlliance as a nonprofit organization, supported by a lot of the big players in the cloud computing sector, drives the progress of the evolution.   As mentioned in many posts in the Web, that I don't want to repeat here, even one of the founders of Docker said, that they don't have to invent Docker if it had been availaible in 2008.    I found out that container image registries, that support OCIv2 are ...